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What Does It All Mean?

What does All Natural, Antibiotic Free and Organic actually mean? At Eat-Well Today we decided to look into the products we carry and find out exactly where the food is harvested and what these terms mean to us as consumers and as a small business. Words like All Natural pork, beef, and chicken are thrown around like platitudes at a political fundraiser. Whilst speaking with some of our food savvy clients it became apparent their concerns about sourcing and questions about what exactly these terms mean was very important to them, so we took up the challenge no matter what we found we knew it would make us a better company. Our goal is to find cleaner food and clean means minimally processed and purchased as close to the source as possible. We view Fresh Flash Freezing as a neutral process. The benefits far out weight any possible objection of which we see none. No harm no foul. Our goal is to simply present our product line with valuable supporting information if you want it.

Food For Thought

It saddens us when clients balk at the price of quality food, yet consume mass quantities of fast food, restaurant food and supermarket food where clearly we continue to find evidence of mislabeling, out of date food, high bacteria levels, and thousands of foodborne illnesses every year. Buying fresh, flash frozen solves all those issues and so many more. We feel there is value in knowing where your food comes from and how it’s raised and harvested. Keep in mind fresher, lean protein is more nutritious and lower in saturated fats. Cleaner food is easily digested and fewer chemicals throughout the process, as well as fewer chemicals, and that is definitely important. We find as a matter of lifestyle diets don’t work in the long term. In fact, most diets are unhealthy and could be dangerous if not executed properly in the first place. Remember, we “gotta” eat real food eventually. A little better decision each day has lasting effects on the rest of our lives. If we have better food in the fridge we’ll eat better more often.

Sad to say most of us consumers are in the dark about the quality of the food we buy and if we actually got the quality of food we think we are getting we would notice it's always more expensive and tastes much better. We had a client call complaining about the Chilean Sea Bass. Said it was better at the restaurant and wanted proof our Sea Bass is authentic Chilean Sea Bass. We told her Chilean Sea Bass is called Patagonian Toothfish. The scientific name is Dissostichus eleginoides and Dissostichus mawsoni. We emailed her a picture of the box it came in. You see the importers aren’t mislabeling the raw product but the retailers and restaurants are. I called the restaurant and the manager said they were out of Chilean Sea Bass that week as it is very expensive but were serving Alaskan Sablefish which is the same thing. Well it’s actually not even the same species. It is however a tasty less expensive white fish… Cod family.

At Eat-Well Today we spend a lot of time with new clients suggesting they compare apples to apples. So when they see a Black Angus Prime steak in a store for 15 bucks it’s probably not Black Angus and definitely not prime. Whereas when you purchase from Eat-Well Today we guarantee what it says on the box is in the box, period. Remember, we have almost zero waste on any of our products. NO SKIN, NO BONE, NO FAT, NO WASTE. More importantly we choose our suppliers very carefully.