Dry Pork Never Again We Say!

Dry Pork Never Again We Say!

Indiana All-Natural Pork

We source what we think is the tastiest pork in the country; Indiana All-Natural pork. We source from several family-owned farms. Here is a snippet from one of their websites.

“Our mission is to raise family-farm grown meats in a healthy and natural environment. Providing delicious food for you and your family (and our family, too) is our full-time business and passion. Our farm has been in business for over a century and we are working diligently to build sustainable practices to last another 100 years and more. It is of the utmost importance to us to treat our land, our animals, our community and our customers with respect. Everything begins with the soil and it is a rewarding opportunity to leave the environment better than it was before. We strive to optimize our farm with a diversity of animals (cattle, sheep, hogs, chickens, and wildlife) and plants (perennial pastures, grazing annuals, corn, beans, hay and cereal grains). The synergy among a variety of animals, forages, and forests, makes the soil more vibrant and productive than traditional monoculture farming. We are dedicated to raising our animals properly. To us, this means a clean, spacious, low-stress environment; a wholesome diet of primarily locally-grown feedstuffs; and feeding no hormones or antibiotics. The cattle, sheep, hogs and chickens have plenty of room to roam getting sunshine, fresh air and exercise. When we are caring for the animals we always treat them calmly to maintain a peaceful environment- no loud whooping cowboys here".

I think that about says it all.

Our Pork Tastes Like Pork - Think Bacon

You see pork has grades just like beef and lower graded pork like chicken can be dry and tasteless. The dry part is because of an old childhood myth that pork must be well done or you’ll get Trichinosis. Just to be clear it’s a worm and there are about 20 cases per year. That’s right 20. I don’t want to be irresponsible here it does exist. For the record Flash Freezing pork kills the worms. Today no known cases even come from pork rather wild game. The reason we wanted to explain that is pork should be juicy and tender.

We cook chops on the grill until the juices run clear. Pork cooks quickly and not as high a temperature as beef. Pork should be a little pink inside. The number one complaint with pork in general is that it is dry. It is very easy to overcook. Please don’t overcook our pork you will be missing out on the most flavorful robust bacon tasting pork in the world.


Because pork can often be overcooked, checking the internal temperature often will help prevent dry pork. Cook pork until the internal temperature reaches between 145 degrees and 160 degrees Fahrenheit; followed by a three-minute rest time, and is a little pink inside. We prefer an internal temp of 145 degrees max.

A digital, instant-read thermometer is a low-cost, must-have for every kitchen. When inserted into the thickest part of the meat (without touching any bone), the temperature should register within a few seconds. Instant-read thermometers are not meant to be left in the meat during cooking. If you wish to invest a bit more, continuous-read digital thermometers are another option. We fight against overcooked pork every day.